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Take This Simple Two Minutes Profile Test To See How Strong You Are At Dealing With Adversity

This simple profile test is designed to help you determine how resilient you might be to deal with adversities when they come your way. The test was designed by Heather Elliott-Whitehead, creator of the Straw Coaching Method along with a consulting psychotherapist as part of the coaching framework's success assessment.

The Test called the 'The Inner-Strength Profile" a short in-depth exploration inspired by the principles of the Straw Coaching Method. This exercise aims to unveil the layers of your inner strength and equip you with personalized strategies to overcome life's challenges. Ready? Let's Go!

Instructions: Rate yourself for each statement using the numerical value for each response below. . Use the points value total to determine your score.


A= 5




Mindset Assessment:

A.I view challenges as opportunities for growth.

B. I believe in my ability to bounce back from setbacks.

C. I often find silver linings in difficult situations.


Emotional Resilience:

Reflect on a recent challenging experience. How did you cope with it?

A. I sought support from friends or family.

B. I focused on finding solutions and taking practical steps.

C. I spent time reflecting on the situation and my emotions.


Adaptability Quotient:

How do you usually approach unexpected changes?

A. Embrace them with open-mindedness.

B. Tackle them with a structured plan.

C. Take them in stride, adjusting as needed.


Self-Compassion Check:

Do you treat yourself with kindness during tough times?

A. Yes, I practice self-love and understanding.

B. I can be hard on myself but working on it.

C. I often criticize myself, need improvement.



Count the total points for each section.

15-20 points: Congratulations! You have a resilient and adaptable mindset.

10-14 points: You possess inner strength, with room for growth.

5-9 points: You're on the right path; focus on building resilience and self-compassion.


Action Plan:

Reflect on your scores and consider how you can apply the principles of the Straw Coaching Method to enhance your strengths and address areas for improvement. Use this newfound awareness to navigate future challenges with grace and resilience. Remember, like a straw, your inner strength may seem small, but it's incredibly powerful. Embrace it, and let it guide you through life's twists and turns.




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