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You, America And The Upcoming Presidential Election: A Consequential Year To Protect Your Mental Health.

The 2016 U.S. presidential election had a significant and far-reaching impact on Americans and people around the world. The election was marked by intense polarization, controversial rhetoric, and unexpected outcomes, which contributed to a negative toll on individuals and communities. Looking back, for me personally it felt like I was in a bad dream. Not because my candidate lost, but America the country that once stood tall as the model for democracy and freedom was becoming unrecognizable. Race was front and center, immigration because a scorned subject and people were losing their minds literally and physically. Additionally, there were many other noticeable and consequential changes that were consuming the country and its citizens. Let's explore some of them. 

Increased Polarization:

The election heightened political polarization, leading to deep divisions between supporters of different candidates. Families, friends, and communities experienced strained relationships as political disagreements escalated.

Impact on Mental Health:

The divisive nature of the campaign and its aftermath took a toll on the mental health of many individuals. Anxiety, stress, and feelings of uncertainty were prevalent as people grappled with the implications of the election results.

Rise in Political Anxiety:

Political anxiety surged as individuals became increasingly concerned about the potential policy changes and shifts in the political landscape. The uncertainty surrounding the future contributed to heightened levels of stress and apprehension.

Erosion of Trust in Institutions:

The election further eroded trust in political institutions and the democratic process. Allegations of interference, misinformation, and doubts about the legitimacy of the election outcomes fueled skepticism.

Impact on Marginalized Communities:

The election had a particularly negative impact on marginalized communities, including racial and ethnic minorities, LGBTQ+ individuals, and immigrants. Xenophobic and discriminatory rhetoric during the campaign increased fears and concerns about the future for many minority groups.

Global Concerns:

The global community closely watched the election, and its outcome had implications for international relations and global stability. Uncertainty about U.S. foreign policy created concerns and anxieties worldwide.

Erosion of Civil Discourse:

The campaign was marked by a decline in civil discourse, with candidates engaging in personal attacks and inflammatory language. This erosion of civil discourse contributed to a divisive and hostile political environment.

Rise of Disinformation:

The election brought attention to the issue of disinformation, with the spread of fake news and misinformation impacting public discourse. The influence of social media in disseminating false information became a subject of concern.

Impact on Future Political Engagement:

The negative tone of the 2016 election raised concerns about its potential impact on future political engagement. Some individuals became disillusioned, leading to decreased trust in the political process and institutions.

Social and Cultural Impact:

The election exposed and exacerbated underlying social and cultural tensions, bringing to the forefront issues related to identity, privilege, and power dynamics.

In the aftermath of the 2016 U.S. presidential election, efforts to heal divisions, rebuild trust, and promote constructive political engagement became crucial. The negative toll of the election underscored the importance of fostering a more inclusive and respectful political discourse to address the diverse concerns and perspectives of the American people and the global community.

In general, elections are a time of heightened emotions, ranging from excitement and hope to fear and disappointment. As the political landscape evolves, so do our mental and emotional responses to the candidates and their platforms. Particularly in highly polarized environments, where one candidate may be viewed as more combative or divisive, the atmosphere can feel tense, leading to increased anxiety and stress among opposing supporters.

How can we prevent the negative effects of 2016 from being repeated in 2024, regardless of who wins?

Understanding the Impact on Mental Health: It's essential to recognize that elections can have a significant impact on mental health. The anticipation of potential policy changes, the polarization of political discourse, and the uncertainty surrounding the outcome can all contribute to feelings of fear, indifference, and disappointment. Moreover, when one candidate's rhetoric is perceived as threatening or antagonistic by opposing supporters, it can exacerbate existing anxieties and deepen divides within communities.

Coping Strategies for Individuals:

Limit Media Consumption: While it's essential to stay informed, consuming excessive political news and commentary can contribute to heightened stress and anxiety. Set boundaries around media consumption, and prioritize sources that provide balanced and factual information.

Engage in Self-Care: Take time for self-care activities that promote relaxation and well-being, such as exercise, meditation, or spending time in nature. Engaging in activities that bring joy and fulfillment can help alleviate stress and foster resilience.

Stay Connected: Reach out to friends, family, or support networks for emotional support and solidarity. Having open and honest conversations about your feelings can provide validation and comfort during challenging times.

Focus on What You Can Control: While the outcome of the election may feel uncertain, focus on the aspects of your life that you can control. Set personal goals, prioritize self-improvement, and engage in activities that align with your values and priorities.

Practice Mindfulness: Incorporate mindfulness techniques into your daily routine to stay grounded and present. Mindfulness exercises, such as deep breathing or guided meditation, can help manage stress and promote emotional well-being.

Promoting Unity Despite Political Differences:

Seek Common Ground: Focus on shared values and goals when engaging in political discussions with others. Finding common ground can help foster understanding and empathy, even amidst differing political views.

Listen with Empathy: Approach conversations with curiosity and a genuine desire to understand the perspectives of others. Practice active listening, and validate the emotions and experiences of those with differing opinions.

Respect Boundaries: Recognize that not everyone may be open to discussing politics, and respect their boundaries accordingly. Avoid pressuring others to engage in political discussions if they are not comfortable doing so.

Lead by Example: Model respectful and constructive dialogue in your interactions with others, both online and offline. Avoid inflammatory language or personal attacks, and focus on discussing ideas and policies in a respectful manner.

Focus on Relationships: Prioritize the relationships in your life over political differences. Remember that friendships, family bonds, and professional connections are more valuable than any political disagreement. Focus on building and maintaining strong relationships based on mutual respect and understanding.

Navigating Political Differences in the Workplace:

Maintain Professionalism: Keep discussions about politics professional and respectful in the workplace. Avoid engaging in heated debates or expressing divisive opinions that may create tension among colleagues.

Focus on Common Goals: Emphasize shared professional goals and objectives when working with colleagues who have different political views. Redirect conversations towards work-related topics that foster collaboration and productivity.

Set Boundaries: If political discussions become disruptive or uncomfortable, set boundaries by politely redirecting the conversation or expressing a desire to focus on work-related matters. Respect the boundaries of others who may not wish to engage in political discussions.

Seek Common Ground: Find areas of agreement and common ground with colleagues who have different political views. Emphasize shared professional values and goals to build rapport and strengthen working relationships.

Practice Empathy: Approach discussions with colleagues who hold different political views with empathy and understanding. Acknowledge their perspectives and experiences, even if you disagree with their opinions.

By implementing coping strategies, promoting empathy and respect, and focusing on shared goals, individuals can work through the challenges of election season while prioritizing their mental and emotional well-being.

Article by Heather Elliott-Whitehead, Communications Consultant, Transition & Self Development Coach and Author of The Strength of Your Straw-The Secret to Overcoming Heartbreak and Hardships.

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